Originally an advertising man, he has written about evolution for over six years after a mysterious illness — essentially cured thanks to paleolithic dieting — sent him on a journey of discovery about evolutionary applications to contemporary life.
He is author of Human Well-Being in the Light of Evolution, a cogent, comprehensive synthesis of many important health topics from an evolution perspective.
Projects on the horizon:
Diva: A Male Feminist-Evolutionist on a Lady's Virtue, a Female's Beauty, and a Woman's Worth
Diva is about women and evolution, including not just health, beauty, and attraction, but also a new reinterpretation of women in human societies and the value they bring to human groups.
Party Animal: Evolution, Hedonism, and the Future of Fun
Party Animal takes place at the hedonic end of the world and science of happiness. It will explore, unapologetically, the heights of human experience, looking into the current state of high-order pleasure, satisfaction, and happiness and attempt to carve out a healthy future for hedonism. Topics include polyamory and other alternative sexualities, psychedelics and hard drugs, extreme bonding rituals and life experiences, and more.
The Origins of Drama: Why the Best Stories Have Everything to Do with Evolution
Written for storytellers and storylovers, The Origins of Drama will examine cinematic storytelling, starting with the place stories have in human culture, how they have impacted evolution, and why the best ones are simply leveraging our evolved psychologies.
Kevin received his degree in English from Santa Clara University with a specialization in Creative Writing. Kevin was a medaled Division 1 athlete (men's crew), boxing club member, salsa dancer, and head writer for the television station. He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and "works" in the wine industry.